
The Tavistock institute for human relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States

ISBN: 9781805402527
$28.00 $22.00
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The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been at the forefront of the attack on the American Constitution. No group produced more propaganda to encourage the United States to participate in the First World War at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it.

The same tactics were used by Tavistock's social scientists to get the US into World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and the two wars against Iraq. Tavistock began as a propaganda creation and dissemination organisation at Wellington House, London, in the run-up to the First World War, what Toynbee called 'that black hole of disinformation'. On another occasion, Toynbee described Wellington House as a 'factory of lies'. From somewhat rudimentary beginnings, Wellington House became the Tavistock Institute and shaped the destinies of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States in a very controversial way. The people of these nations did not know that they were being 'brainwashed'. The origins of 'mind control', 'inner directional conditioning' and mass 'brainwashing' are explained in an easy-to-understand book written with great authority....

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