

ISBN: 0758238320
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No drama, no problems--that's Tori Carter's idea of the good life. Her tendency to plan everything to the max has made her the most successful event coordinator in the business--and the number one problem solver for her family and friends. But when her perfect fiancé runs off with another woman, he leaves Tori without a Plan B-through-Z. . .or any idea what to do next. And now she's dealing with one surprise after another. Her well-meaning friends are delivering a rogue's gallery of bad-news dates. Her demanding boss expects Tori to work miracles with ever-more-impossible clients. And Tori's handsome neighbor Nelson is a chef who turns up the heat in ways she never imagined. Now Tori has to improvise, let loose--and get wise--if she's going to figure out who she is and what kind of happiness she really wants. . .

Product details

  • Publisher : Kensington; Original edition (April 1, 2009)
  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 310 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 0758238320
  • ISBN-13 : 978-0758238320
  • Item Weight : 10.5 ounces
  • Dimensions : 5.64 x 0.89 x 8.3 inches
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