The Mercy of Allah" by Hilaire Belloc is a narrative work, likely composed in the early 20th century. The book tells an intriguing tale of a wealthy merchant named Mahmoud, who, despite his affluence, is portrayed as having complex perspectives...
"Asante's book, Kemet, Afrocentricity, and Knowledge, continues his project of forging a new discipline out of the many strands of Black Studies. Like his previous works, this is a profound statement of the Afrocentric perspective."...C. Tsehloane Keto, Ph.D., Director of...
Africa, according to the contributors to this anthology, is "one cultural river with numerous tributaries articulated by their specific responses to history and the environment." They concentrate on the similarities in behavior, perceptions, and technologies of African culture that tie...
Dr. Asante combines cultural studies, linguistics, historiography, Kemetology, and Africology in this brilliant response to the critics of Afrocentricity. He demonstrates that the principal problem with the critics of Afrocentrics is their disbelief in the agency of Africans ¡V that...
The growing usage of African names in the United States makes this book appealing for those who want to understand the meaning, proper usage and significance of African names. Asante provides the historical rationale and the proper translations and usage...
In 1935, as part of the WPA, President Roosevelt created the Federal Writers Project. This was a very ambitious program designed to put unemployed writers, editors, teachers and others to work. They were paid between $20 and $25 dollars per...