
The Ant or the Grasshopper? (Who's Got Game? #1)

ISBN: 9781476792699
$17.00 $12.00
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A hip, sly, exuberant retelling of Aesop's fable, for children of all ages--written by Nobel Prize - winning author Toni Morrison and her son Slade Morrison, and ingeniously illustrated by Pascal Lemaitre.

"How can you say I never worked a day? ART is WORK. It just looks like play," so says Foxy G to his buddy Kid A, in Toni and Slade Morrison's sassy, sly tale of friendship, betrayal, and survival--or not.

Generation after generation, classic fables, folklore, and myth remain popular because they quicken the imagination of readers and listeners of all ages. We, the creators of the Who's Got Game? series were inspired by the wonder of Aesop's Fables--their vitality, their endless demand for more interpretations. In our versions the original stories are opened up and their moralistic endings reimagined; the victim might not lose; the timid gets a chance to become strong; the fool can gain insight; the powerful may lose their grip. Anything can happen!

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