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The Book of Five Rings
  Hardcover : 108 pages ISBN-13 : 9781603868327
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  Publisher : African Tree Press (March 15, 2014) Paperback : 254 pages ISBN-13 : 9781592324507
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The Art of War
By: sun Tzu
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The Art of War
  Publisher : Orkos Press (April 1, 2015) Paperback : 122 pages ISBN-13 : 9781592325719
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Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes...
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Hoodoo Cleansing & Protection Magic
By: Miss Aida
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Hoodoo Cleansing & Protection Magic
Does your house feel a little wonky? Is someone giving you the evil eye? Are you just having a run of bad luck or have you been cursed? Miss Aida answers all these questions and more. In Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection...
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Dreams and What They Mean to You
Learn to decipher the symbols and messages in your dreams with the help of this trusted guide. Dreams and What They Mean To You begins by exploring the nature of the human mind and consciousness, then discusses the results of the most...
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Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
  Publisher : Llewellyn Publications; 1st edition (October 1, 1985) Paperback : 318 pages ISBN-13 : 9780875421223 This comprehensive guide to the magical uses of over 400 herbs and plants from all parts of the world includes details into the finer aspects of...
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The Yoruba Domino Oracle
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The Yoruba Domino Oracle
Clearly explains how to use dominos in divination for people who follow religious practices other than the various forms of Yoruba. The domino oracle is best known in Santeria, but is a universal oracle that may be consulted by anyone....
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