
365 Badass Black Men Affirmations: Daily Positive Thoughts to Increase Confidence, Create Wealth, Attract Success, and Boost Self-Esteem for the Powerful Black Man (paperback)

ISBN: 9781955865050
$14.00 $11.20

Are you a Black man wanting to create more success, confidence, and happiness in your life?

Has society made you feel like you are unworthy of all your dreams?

You are not alone.

In fact, many Black men are stuck in a negative place and constantly feel down on their luck, rejected, and disempowered. Some even feel it is impossible to stay positive and motivated in a broken society.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

It's no secret that the happiest and most successful people all have habits that they incorporate into their lives that help them stay focused and positive when things are difficult.

It doesn't matter where you are now or where you used to be; you have the opportunity to empower yourself with just a few minutes every day.

Say good-bye to constantly feeling defeated and embrace the reality of being a powerful Black man.

In 365 Badass Black Men Affirmations, you will learn powerful sayings that will help you to:

  • Start your day off right from the minute you wake up in the morning
  • Build the confidence and self-esteem of an alpha male
  • Attract your dream career and enjoy the workplace
  • Stay motivated and smash your goals
  • Maintain and improve your health and fitness
  • Overcome failure, fear, and anxiety
  • Influence and change the world
  • Remember to be thankful and grateful for everything you have
  • Improve relationships
  • Build financial abundance
  • Wind down and relax at night
  • Plus two bonus sections: affirmations I tell my children and affirmations I tell my wife

Yes, your life can be filled with happiness, confidence, and success regardless of what the world around you is telling you.

Don't spend another moment feeling inadequate and not worthy of all that life has to offer.

Start listening and repeating affirmations to yourself every day to eliminate old self-sabotaging thought patterns and become the empowered Black man you were born to be.

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