ISBN: 9781455569397
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"America is the story of us. And us isn't doing so great right now." Says award winning journalist and author Sophia A. Nelson. Coming on the heels of the raucous and divisive 2016 general election campaign, Nelson attempts to give the nation an inspirational charge and lift by helping us to reclaim our founders' vision for a united and strong America. Nelson reminds us that "we the people" are charged by our founders' to cherish life, liberty, freedom and equality, as well as to safeguard the nation from intrusive governance. The founders' also charged our leaders to be moral, virtuous, patriotic servants of the people.

In this groundbreaking book, Nelson challenges us to live out the call of our founding:

We are ONE America.

We are ONE People.

We are ONE nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Pulling from our founding fathers' core principles of liberty, citizenship, morals, virtues, civic engagement, equality, self-governance, and, when required, civil disobedience, Nelson calls us to a higher standard. She calls us to purpose. And she calls us to rediscover the things that unite us, not divide us.

One is a book that all Americans, regardless of political party, race, religion, or gender can embrace and share with their children and grandchildren for generations. It is a reminder simply of what makes America great and what makes us the envy of the world. Alexis de Tocqueville said it best: "America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good, it will cease to be great." Nelson takes us on a historical, yet very inspirational journey of not just our founding values, but the men and women who walked them out and brought America to be the great light it is in the world over the past 240 years.

Product details

  • Publisher : Center Street (January 17, 2017)
  • Language : English
  • Hardcover : 352 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1455569399
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1455569397
  • Item Weight : 15.4 ounces
  • Dimensions : 5.9 x 1.55 x 8.8 inches
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