
The Adventures of Obatala: Ifa and Santeria God of Creativity

ISBN: 1477629424
$44.95 $30.00
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As Araba Awo of Osogboland, Chief Priest, Babalowo and author Araba Ifayemi Elebuibon has made many contributions to Yoruba culture and religion in Nigeria and around the world. His great ancestor, OLUTIMEHIN was one of the co-founders of the City of Osogbo, in Osun State of Nigeria. Araba Elebuibon is a herbalist, performing artist, playwright, poet and a cultural icon. Araba Elebuibon became the 11th Araba Awo of Osogboland in October 2010. This book presents several Ifa stanzas that concerned Obatala as Orisa of white robe Orisa ala. The present volume provides more stories about the life of Obatala. It also explains his life style as the oldest among all divinities. This revised edition contains more information about his taboos and preferences which will interest many scholars of traditional African religion and culture.
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