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ISBN: 9781640931848African Tree Press PublicationsPages: 180 : Paperback The first book ever that stresses her African Origins along with her sterling qualities that are second to none. The book also emphasizes the true power of the feminine that men have obstructed...
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Enoch the Ethiopian: Greater Than Abraham Holier Than Moses
ISBN: 1617590347     Publisher: Lushena Books    US SRP: $18.95 US   Binding: Paperback Pub Date: February 01, 2015
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In Defense of Stolen Legacy, Vol 1
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The Missing Pages Of "HIS-STORY"
Publisher : D & J Books February 1, 1993 Paperback : 143 pages ISBN-10 : 1883080045
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WAS CLEOPATRA BLACK? by Indus Khamit Kush
ISBN: 9781640931831 The long-awaited book by Kush author of What They Never Told you in History Class. The first full length Book on the Race Cleopatra in 2000 years. A Collector’s Edition. “Was Cleopatra Black” is The Most Famous Question for two...
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What They Never Told You in History Class, Volume 1
ISBN: 1617590703     Publisher: LUSHENA US SRP: $19.95 US  Binding: Paperback Pub Date: August 05, 2014
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